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Very Important Methods to Fight & Survive Cancer

Cancer is a much dreaded disease that affects millions worldwide. But you do not have to stop living just because you have this disease. Modern medical science has made many breakthroughs in the recent times and today you have medications to control this disease to a large extent. But there is still a large section of the society which continues to remain ignorant about battling and surviving cancer.

Green tea to survive cancer

If you have been diagnosed with cancer, here are a few tips that could help you to survive this disease.

  • Find out if you are at risk for developing cancer. Most of us know cancer can be caused by smoking, environmental carcinogens, genetic mutations and viruses, but there are many more risk factors for developing cancer. There is a very useful interactive tool developed by the Harvard Center for Cancer Prevention that can be used to determine your risk level for twelve different cancer types.
  • The best way to survive cancer is to detect it at the initial stage. If the disease is diagnosed in the primitive stages, you chances for remission and long-term survival will also be better. Do not put off consulting a doctor if you notice any symptoms. There are also many screening tests like Pap smear and scans to detect cancer at its earliest stage.
  • It is advisable to consult an oncologist or a specialist if you notice any signs or symptoms or have been diagnosed by your family physician. Specialists will be better informed about the latest medications, clinical trials and the most recent therapeutic options which could be beneficial to control your disease.
  • There are many treatment option tools that are available on the internet. Use a good and reliable one like NexProfiler that contains a list of the various treatment options available for the different types of cancers and its advantages and disadvantages. It is very helpful to reach a decision as it can be personalized to the type of cancer you are suffering from.
  • Stick to your treatment protocol at all times. It is extremely necessary to be committed to your doctor and the treatment method he puts you on. Take the medications on time and follow the necessary lifestyle changes if any. Remember, it is your life and nobody else can be blamed.
  • Be up-to-date and well informed about your disease. Today, thanks to the internet, there is such vast amount of information that is readily available at the click of a button. In addition to information about your condition, there are also many centers that offer financial aid and medical policies that can help your monetary difficulties. The two best cancer web sites that come highly recommended are the American Cancer Society and the National Cancer Institute.
  • If you have to go in for specialized procedures like stem cell transplant or bone marrow transplant, you could either seek the advice of your specialist or search for hospitals offering these services. If you have any financial difficulty, you could also search for hospitals or charity organizations that have been set up to provide monetary help to cancer patients.

And above all, remember to have a smile on your lips and a song in your heart. An optimistic and positive outlook towards life is the first step towards remission.

20 Ways to Prevent any Kind of Cancer

Prevention is better than cure; this wise old saying is so apt for cancer, especially in these times when one out of every hundred is suffering from this dreaded disease. Medical science with all its cutting edge technology has only succeeded in controlling cancer, but not finding a permanent cure for it.

Prevent Cancer

This makes it all the more necessary to prevent yourself from getting this disease. Listed below are some preventive measures that you could adopt into your lifestyle to beat cancer;

  • Buy vegetables and fruits grown using organic fertilizers as most pesticides are proven to be carcinogenic.
  • Detergents and cleaning solutions contain formaldehyde, phenol, ammonia and other similar chemicals, all of which are carcinogenic in nature. Try to minimize the use of these as much as possible; instead use natural ways and means like white vinegar to clean your home.
  • Many cosmetics contain chemicals like formaldehyde and sodium lauryl sulfate which when mixed with other ingredients lead to the formation of nitrosamines which are carcinogenic. Talcum powder is also a known cause of ovarian cancer especially when used on the genital region. Purchase cosmetics and toiletries which contain natural ingredients and are environment friendly.
  • Are vaccines harmful? – Though we have always believed vaccines to be life-saving drugs, this is not always the case. Many vaccines, especially the recent ones, are not tested for carcinogenicity.
  • Cut down on the amount of time you spend on the mobile or on computers. Increased exposure to electromagnetic fields can put you at risk for developing cancer.
  • Avoid ultraviolet rays – The UV rays present in sunlight can cause skin cancer, hence avoid being in direct sunlight as much as possible. Wear sunscreen with a high SPF or carry an umbrella if you have to be outdoors for a long time.

Quit smoking

  • Quit Smoking – Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer and remember that passive smoking is just as ha!
  • Exercise – Obesity is another risk factor for developing cancer, especially colon, breast and uterine cancer. Reduce the fat intake in your diet; exercise regularly and keep fit.
  • Consume foodstuffs rich in fiber like wheat, rice, leafy vegetables and fruits.
  • Avoid taking preserved and canned food especially those which contain nitrate as this can cause esophagus and gastric cancer.
  • Cut down on the consumption of alcohol; this can be put at increased risk for liver cancer.
  • Increase the use of food stuffs rich in antioxidants like garlic, turmeric and tomatoes and green vegetables like lettuce, cabbage, broccoli and brussel sprouts.
  • Decrease the intake of sugar in your diet. Studies now associate high sugar diet to a high risk of colorectal cancer in women.
  • Use healthy oils like olive oil, sunflower oil and coconut oil for cooking purposes.

Don't drink tea or coffee

  • Do not use oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapies as this increase a women’s risk for developing uterine, breast and cervical cancer.
  • Eat food rich in Vitamin A and C as these vitamins can provide protection from stomach and lung cancer.
  • Use salt sparingly in your daily diet.
  • If you are sexually active, make sure either you or your partner does not suffer from Human papillomavirus infection as this is a leading cause of cervical and vaginal cancer.
  • Try and get a sound sleep for atleast 6-8 hours everyday.
  • Live a balanced life physically and emotionally.

Top 10 Signs and Symptoms to Figure out Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is a much dreaded form of cancer that affects thousands of people worldwide. The society, at large, still remains ignorant about this disease, its signs and symptoms and many consult a physician only after the cancer has progressed or metastasized making it too late for any form of treatment.

Skin Cancer Signs

Skin cancer can be broadly divided into two types; non-melanoma and melanoma. Non-melanoma group includes basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma; non-melanoma cancers are much more frequently seen than melanoma but are less dangerous than the latter. Melanoma is a dangerous form of skin cancer and is a leading cause of death in the western countries. This cancer is treatable if detected in the early stages.

There are many risk factors to developing skin cancer; the most common one being exposure to ultraviolet rays present in sunlight and also in tanning beds. All dermatologists highly recommend the application of a sunscreen with high SPF on the face and other exposed areas of the skin when going out in sunlight. Try to avoid the direct sun between 10 am and 4 pm and seek shade whenever possible. Remember, skin cancer can develop on any part of the skin especially those areas which are constantly exposed to the sun.

Let us take a look at the ten most commonly noticed signs and symptoms of skin cancer;

  1. Look for any changes in color, shape, texture or size to the existing moles, freckles or blemishes on your skin.
  2. A lump or mole on the skin surface usually pale in color and has a smooth texture. It can either have a pearly or waxy appearance. This symptom is commonly associated with basal cell carcinoma.
  3. A firm lump or nodule on the skin which is red in color. This is usually indicative of squamous cell carcinoma.
  4. Any sore on the skin surface that is not healing properly even after a month or any sore that has reopened after healing.
  5. Patches on the skin which appear rough and scaly.
  6. Any sore that bleeds or turns crusty in appearance. Presence of a bleeding sore is mostly indicative of the advanced stage of melanoma, hence has to be immediately examined by a doctor.
  7. Red or brown flat and scaly patches on the skin surface.
  8. Any new growth, mole, patch or lump which looks suspicious to your eyes. They can be itchy or scaly in appearance. Note the ABC’s of skin cancer; they are Asymmetry, Border. Color, Diameter and Elevation. Most of these patches or lumps may be painless but there are some that can be painful.
  9. Any existing moles that increase is size suddenly or become red, pink, tan or brown or appear pale and translucent.
  10. Any warts or a similar growth that has appeared on the skin which may be painful or alternatively itch and become crusty or scaly.

It is ideal to self-examine your skin periodically from time to time. Use a mirror to examine all the parts of your skin especially on the back and if you do notice any of the above mentioned signs or symptoms, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist immediately.

Skin Cancer that Developed in Michael Jackson

The ‘King of Pop’ has finally succumbed to the ‘King of Kings’; and ever since, newspapers, tabloids and magazines have rolled out pages of news proclaiming that Michael Jackson suffered from skin cancer which could have been the cause of his death.

Michael Jackson Skin Cancer

There are plenty of rumors circulating that he had cancerous spots and pre-cancerous lesions on his face. He could or could not have but none of us will probably ever know the truth of this statement as he always led a highly secretive and well-guarded personal life.

But we do know one thing for sure; Michael did suffer from Vitiligo and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. In a rare interview with Oprah Winfrey, he disclosed this information as the real reason for his skin color unlike popular belief that he had gone in for skin bleaching procedures to lighten his skin tone. There are many health experts who believe that Michael Jackson could have suffered from skin cancer since he had these skin problems.

Vitiligo is quite a common skin disorder in which one can notice white spots or patches on the skin surface. Human skin produces a pigment called melanin which is responsible for our skin color. People with a darker skin tone have more melanocytes than people with a lighter skin tone. In people with Vitiligo, the melanocytes which are the melanin producing cells, get weakened or destroyed causing less or no production of this pigment which leads to the formation of these white spots or patches. Michael Jackson also suffered from discoid lupus, a form of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, in which red and scaly patches appear on the skin.

Michael mentioned in his interview that in the initial stages of the disease, when he only had a few white patches, he used to cover it up with heavy makeup to match his dark skin tone. But as time went and he developed the patches all over the body, it was easy to apply makeup to lighten his skin tone than to darken it. He always appeared covered from head to toe and hardly revealed his skin in any of his music videos. He finally went in for depigmentation therapy to even out his skin tone when full-bodied makeup became too hard to handle on a daily basis.

Because of the presence of these two diseases, there is a very strong possibility that Michael Jackson could have suffered from skin cancer in his last days. He had been suffering from Vitiligo for the past twenty years; this combined with the heavy use of cosmetics and treatments could have finally taken a toll on his health. It was reported by a leading newspaper that Michael had a surgery to remove a cancerous lesion from his nose and was under therapy to cure his cancer. Apparently, he had a form of skin cancer which was treatable and not dangerous.

Like his entire life, the stories of his skin cancer remain highly speculative. All his fans can hope for is that the autopsy report will finally reveal how ‘Michael Jackson – The Biggest Entertainer of the World’ actually died.

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