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Written by Doctors and Medical Students.

Triggering out the Top Listed Reasons for Snoring

Snoring is involuntary and cannot be controlled by the person. He will not be aware of the episode and therefore cannot take any measures to control snoring. The person lying near you on the same bed will get irritated due to this illness as their sleep will be disturbed. In many cases snoring is a symptom of the underlying disease. There are many reasons due to which this symptom is produced.

Reasons of Snoring

Here I will explain you the top ten reasons due to which an individual can suffer from this ailment.

How does snoring occur?

Snoring is caused when there is an obstruction in the airway. It will be difficult to inhale as well as exhale air. When the tongue comes in contact with uvula and soft palate this sound is produced. It is disgusting and will drive your partner out of the bed. When your muscles are weak, this ailment rises up in people. Here are a few reasons due to which snoring is produced in human beings.


Excessive fat deposition in the body can lead to snoring. In such individuals fat accumulation around the neck region apply pressure on the airway especially in supine position. The pressure exerted on the throat blocks the airway and results in snoring.

Alcohol and other beverages

If you are a person who consumes alcohol everyday, snoring is inevitable. Consumption of alcohol and other pills relaxes the muscles of tongue. This leads to snoring as the air passage is blocked.


Researches and studies have proved that people who suffer from sinusitis also tend to have snoring. The sinuses are filled with phlegm and drainage is not proper due to which the air path can get obstructed. Smoking will increase the condition and cause more trouble to the person. It is advisable to stop smoking to prevent snoring.


In such cases treatment will not be effective as the person has got the problem in their genes. You can make a difference in the intensity of the condition. No treatment will be able to get rid of snoring in these individuals.


If you do not use the correct pillow it can cause snoring. Do not use a pillow which is larger in size as it can cause obstruction of the air canal. People have a habit of using two pillows while sleeping. This will increase the pressure around the neck region and produce blockage in the air passage.

Allergic Complaints

People who have allergies are more prone to have snoring. They always have congestion and irritation in their nose and find difficulty in breathing. The only option to get rid of your complaint in this case is by taking proper medication for your allergy.

Fatty food

Avoid fatty foods like milk, dairy products and other substances which will produce accumulation of mucous in your respiratory system. Excessive accumulation of mucous is also a reason for snoring.


Males are more commonly affected by this illness than females because they have a narrow airway. In females the air canal is wider than males which decrease snoring to a considerable extent.


People develop the habit of snoring when they start touching their old age. The throat becomes narrow and dry. The muscles of the tongue and throat get weak which result in this complaint.

Sleeping postures

Some people can have snoring due to their sleeping postures. Try sleeping on sides to decrease your ailment.

Snoring is not a minor problem and can often be a symptom of heart attacks and other cardiac disorders. Take treatment at the earliest to ensure the safety of your life.

The Perfect 10 Ways to Lead a Healthy Life

In today’s fast moving world there are only a few people who follow the rules of nature and live accordingly. People of the newer generation have no time to take care of their health and busy setting up their career and life. Health becomes secondary for these people and as a result they have no time to get down from clinics.

Lead a helathy life

Diseases which were unknown in the past have come up due to these unhealthy living standards. Junk food, fatty food and oily food are commonly used by the people nowadays due to which obesity; dyslipidaemia and cardiac complaints are present even in younger people. Older people are healthier compared to the modern generation.

I am writing this article to make people aware of the phase they are walking through now. You should free yourself from this chain and adopt healthy ways of living to save your body. Here are few ways which can give you a sound body as well as mind.

In the modern world people run around the place to make their own living. Exercise has been pushed aside by the public to a corner. They common answer they say when asked about this matter are that they do not have time. Proper exercise is vital to maintain a healthy body. Heavy weight training is not necessary for your body. You can perform simple exercises like walking, jogging and swimming for thirty minutes in a day. This is helpful and will give you new spirits and energy.

For an adult at least six hours of sleep is mandatory. Growth of the body takes place mostly during our sleep. This is one of the basic needs of the body and improper patterns of sleep will cause many health problems.

Make sure to have a diet which includes all the nutrients in correct proportion. Nutritional deficiency is very common in women and you should take care to eat vitamins, minerals, proteins and other essential components in equal quantities.

People in their stressful days forget to enjoy life. This will affect the health adversely. Take time to be with your family, go for outings and lead a relaxed life.

Avoid late night jobs
This is an important factor which you have to maintain in your life. Do not sleep late and wake up late in the morning. It is advisable to get up early as it will provide you new energy and stamina.

Every person will have specific interests in their life. Many forget this taste lying in them due to their hectic life schedules. Take time to relax and enjoy the things which you give you immense pleasure.

Avoid alcohol and smoking
Do no indulge in any bad habits like alcohol intake, smoking and other beverages. They are harmful for health and can cause a negative impact. Stay away from all these substance to enjoy life in its full extent.

Relieve stress
If you are in a job which is stressful and tiring, make sure to practice yoga or other relaxation techniques at home. This will take off the load from your head and give you a proper sleep.

Love and passion
This factor is very much important in the life of every individual. Take time to mingle with everyone and lead a peaceful life. Love the people in order to receive it back. God has created each and every thing for a purpose. Respect the value of everything you have and love one another.

Face challenges
Be bold and practical in life. Do not feel frightened to take up new risks. Face the challenges in front of you as they will help you go forward in life.

Following these tips will help you in leading a healthy and safe life. Do not forget to laugh and enjoy which are essential in form a healthy body and mind.

Massage Results on Old-Age Group

Is massage useful in old age? People often ask this question because they feel confused regarding this question. Massage is useful in any age group and has many benefits. The only point you should keep in mind is that seek the help of a professional while you decide to do massaging. Do not let quacks do the task as that can cause injury to the muscles and other parts of the body. If massaging is done in the right way it relaxes the body and increases our stamina. In old age group the whole process benefits both mind and body. Their weakness and tiredness will be removed and a new spirit will be implanted in them by massaging.


In senior citizens massaging can be used for many conditions. Let me explain you a few important points regarding this topic.

  • Massaging helps in relaxation of the whole body. The muscles which are under stress will be eased and brought into a harmonious state. It helps the person to cool down and enjoy the surroundings. After a thorough massage, people feel relaxed, calm and serene.
  • Pain relief – it can be used to decrease the pain of joints and muscles in older people. After the age of 60 it is mostly seen that joint pain accompanies elder people. They feel weak and difficulty in walking. The pain is severe and distressing. In these cases massage is helpful as there is special training given nowadays for treating old age group.

Why is Geriatric massage different from normal massage?

When this technique is performed in older people, the whole process should be carried out with utmost care. They are brittle and weak; therefore a treatment indicated for them should be also soft and mild. There are many centers which provide classes on this topic. In geriatric massage, the strokes performed are gentle and mild according to their body type. Hands and legs are the main places where the massage is concentrated as pain is present mainly on this area. Rubbing, rolling, tapping, kneading and pressing are the main movements involved while doing massage in an elderly person. They have no side effects and also affect the mental plane. They reduce stress, anxiety and remove your worries effectively. Diseases like depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, weakness and stiffness of body has been treated using massaging. It is also used in immuno- compromised patients to boost their immunity levels. Proper massaging prevents the accumulation of uric acid and increases the blood circulation to various parts of the body.

Geriatric massage often lasts for thirty minutes. It can vary if the patient is suffering from severe disability. You can direct the procedure to certain parts according to the disease. The person should lie down on a flat surface and follow the rules systematically to get the desired results. The session will have to be repeated according to the disease for relieving the complaints. Massage increases the stamina of the person and increases the immunity naturally and safely. There are free guide lines available in stores which will give you an idea about the treatment procedures and their uses.

How is nicotine addiction and weight gain related?

Nicotine diminishes your appetite and therefore food intake is less. Once you quite smoking, appetite levels are restored and you crave for food. The over indulgence in food makes you plump and gain weight rapidly. People are not able to control their desire for food when they stop smoking. If you put a check on this matter, there will no weight gain after quitting cigarettes.

nicotine addiction

Will power and mindset are the two important factors which are required in order to stop smoking. Seek the help of a professional if you are not able to get rid of this habit. Ensure the quality of your life by stopping this dreadful habit. More than 5 lakh people are loosing lives as a result of cigarette smoking. The side effects caused by this substance are tremendous and you will have to sacrifice your lives. An average of 13 to 14 years of life span is decreased in a person who smokes on regular basis.

Smoking not only affects the person who is involved in this activity. It also causes negative impact on pregnant woman and other human beings living in the same atmosphere. Passive smoking is more dangerous than active smoking. With your bad habits you are putting the lives of other people in danger. You can prevent many diseases by stopping this habit forever. Do not indulge in smoking as it eats up your health slowly. If you are a chain smoker you will have problems in the initial days of stopping this habit. They are known as withdrawals and will resolve within a few days or weeks.

Giving up smoking is a hectic process and many people do not have enough will power to take a strong decision. You can get help of from many websites and guides which is available on net to guide you in the right path. Follow them regularly and you can find relief from your illness. Stop smoking and stay healthy forever.

Give up Smoking Today or Face The Consequences!

Smoking is injurious to health, you can find this logo on every cigarette packet but people still indulge in this habit. In spite of knowing its harmful effects people take this poison and destroy their lives. I have asked many people why they do not stop smoking.


There are many excuses which are produced in front of me, but the most common are,

  • Fear of putting on weight.
  • Difficulty in tackling stress.

Even though smoking is not the solution to your stress, people do not give up cigarettes. The feeling obtained after consuming a cigarette is relaxing and makes the person forget his troubles for some time. But the worst part is they are highly toxic and can lead to numerous health hazards. Giving up smoking can decrease numerous diseases like;

  • Cardiac complaints.
  • Carcinoma of lungs and other parts.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Liver complaints.
  • Respiratory complaints.

Each and every system is affected due to cigarette smoking. Prolonged use of nicotine will make you sick and lead to death. Do not fear about putting on weight because only a few people will gain weight after stopping this habit.

How is nicotine addiction and weight gain related?

Nicotine diminishes your appetite and therefore food intake is less. Once you quite smoking, appetite levels are restored and you crave for food. The over indulgence in food makes you plump and gain weight rapidly. People are not able to control their desire for food when they stop smoking. If you put a check on this matter, there will no weight gain after quitting cigarettes.

Giving up smoking cartoon

Will power and mindset are the two important factors which are required in order to stop smoking. Seek the help of a professional if you are not able to get rid of this habit. Ensure the quality of your life by stopping this dreadful habit. More than 5 lakh people are loosing lives as a result of cigarette smoking. The side effects caused by this substance are tremendous and you will have to sacrifice your lives. An average of 13 to 14 years of life span is decreased in a person who smokes on regular basis.

Smoking not only affects the person who is involved in this activity. It also causes negative impact on pregnant woman and other human beings living in the same atmosphere. Passive smoking is more dangerous than active smoking. With your bad habits you are putting the lives of other people in danger. You can prevent many diseases by stopping this habit forever. Do not indulge in smoking as it eats up your health slowly. If you are a chain smoker you will have problems in the initial days of stopping this habit. They are known as withdrawals and will resolve within a few days or weeks.

Giving up somking

Giving up smoking is a hectic process and many people do not have enough will power to take a strong decision. You can get help of from many websites and guides which is available on net to guide you in the right path. Follow them regularly and you can find relief from your illness. Stop smoking and stay healthy forever.

Emu Oil: Can it be relied to treat Burns?

Emu oil has been used by the aborigines in Australia for many years because of its curative properties. It has tremendous healing powers and is useful to treat many conditions. They are natural and safe and make the finest of all moisturizers. It helps in nourishing the skin naturally and removes all the blemishes and scars present on the skin.

Emu Oil

This is why it is used for the treatment for burns. They are effective and helps in removing the marks produced due to burns. It is rich in vitamin A, F and E. All these vitamins are useful for promoting healthy skin. Very few people are allergic to this drug and therefore it is ideal for people who are having sensitive skin.

There are no side effects recorded till now and do not cause any infections when applied on the body. It can be used for many purposes and treating burns is one among them. How does it help in healing burns? When you apply emu oil to the part affected, healing takes place faster and rapidly. Pain is decreased considerably and makes the person comfortable and relaxed. It can be used for all kind of burns and is effective in controlling the wound from getting infected. It is a mixture of unsaturated oils and therefore has the ability to go deep in the skin.

It does not leave any oily feeling on the skin and provides an excellent medium for the transportation of essential oils. It has got anti inflammatory powers and can help in healing wounds faster, decrease swelling and reduce pain. Some people use this oil to treat their arthritis and rheumatic complaints. Emu oil is useful for treating skin complaints like psoriasis and eczema due to its efficiency in cell rejuvenation. If applied over the part which came in contact with burn it will stimulate the cells of the area and cause regeneration of the part.

Emu oil is effective for treating insect bites where there is tremendous swelling and pain. Due to its anti inflammatory properties it helps in controlling the infection which is built up around the area. It gets solid during winter season like coconut oil and can be regained to its normal condition by warming it with hands. Cold sores are treated using emo oil. They can be applied directly over the affected area. You can purchase this product online and in many shops. There are many websites present from which you can order this product for affordable rates. You can also get guide books in which you can read about all the uses of this oil.

It can be used in many diseases like arthritis, injuries, burns, cuts, psoriasis, and in controlling hair fall. The ideal way to use this oil is by applying a little portion to the affected area and massaging it thoroughly. An oily effect should not be present on the skin. If you feel the area slightly oily, it means that you have used the medicine in excess. Emu oil is effective and reliable in treating burns and related conditions.

Boosting your Immune System with the Right Diet Plan

Immunity is important to tackle the disease organisms which enter the body. A person fall sick when his immunity is low and get affected. Stress, strain, long lasting illness and many other factors contribute to low immune system. Faulty diet patterns are the leading cause of this ailment in every country.

Boost your Immune System

People are not bothered about their health nowadays and indulge in wrong habits of eating. This eventually leads to decrease of immunity and affects the person as a whole. There are many people who have come up and asked about the right dietary regimen which will help them to stimulate their immune system. Here are a few tips which will help you to overcome this difficulty and maintain a healthy body.

Nutrition is important and you cannot deny this fact. Make sure that your plate is filled with essential components required for your body. Vegetables and fruits are a must in the daily routine. Avoid meat and eggs on regular basis and you can substitute it with fish. Fish contain proteins and is helpful for the human body to tackle many diseases. It is advisable to take salads than cooked vegetables. You can also boil different vegetables together and consume it everyday for betterment of health. Apple, orange, grapes, banana are some of the common fruits which you can procure and is affordable.

Proteins build your body but select the source of this substance carefully. Eat lean sources as they contain less amount of fat. You can find proteins in fish, soya beans, eggs and beans. Without adequate amount of protein, cell regeneration is not possible. Proteins stimulate the cells and give them new stamina to work efficiently. It removes the worn out cells from the body and replaces it with new ones. If there is a deficiency in the protein levels this can lead to weakness and tiredness. Do not indulge in fatty food substances. High fat content affects the T-lymphocytes and affect the immune system of the body. This can often to lead recurrent attacks of infection and inflammations.

Energy levels should be maintained in the right proportion to lead a healthy life. A balanced diet is highly recommended by the doctors for boosting up the immune system. Any lack in any of the components for a long time can lead to decreased stamina and energy. If you feel tired and exhausted at the end of the day you can use supplements to enhance your immunity levels. There are many products available in the market which can increase your immunity levels without any side effects. You can purchase them online even without the prescription of a registered practitioner.

Certain bacteria are found to be beneficial for your intestine. It is essential to realize them and allow them to reach your gastric system. Do not overcook the food substance and make it loose the vitamins and minerals present in them. It is advised to take raw vegetables along with your meal to get the maximum benefit. Proper diet plan will enhance your immunity levels and prevent your body from all diseases.

5 Different Ways to Grow Taller

Height is often a matter of concern among the people. Everyone wants to be tall and smart in their appearance. People try out different methods to increase their height. Do not go in for chemicals and medicines as they can harm your body. Always adopt natural methods for effective management of your condition. Many people are under the misconception that bones once formed cannot be elongated. This is not true because bones can be extended even if you reached your adulthood. Patience and perseverance are the two important factors which you should have while trying to increase your height. Athletes are desperate to increase their height because it can be advantageous for their career.

How can we increase height naturally? I have heard many people discussing on this topic. Here are few methods through which you can overcome your difficulty. Follow them regularly and you can see results.

Grow Taller

  1. Exercise

    This is one of the best methods to enhance your bone growth. Exercise does not mean heavy weight training. Do not spend hours in gym trying to lift heavy weights to increase your height. Simple stretch exercises are present which will help you in increasing your bone length. Put tremendous stress on your bones and they get stimulated. Repeat the exercises three times a week and after a few months you can see that your height has increased.

  2. Balanced Diet

    You cannot neglect this part because without proper nutrients your body will not grow in the desired way. People living in the rural areas often have growth related problems due to nutritional deficiency. Vitamin D and K are essential to promote the growth of bones. Sun is the main source of vitamin D and it is also found in eggs, meat and vegetables. Vitamin D should be included in your daily diet without fail. Vitamin K is mainly present in cabbage, broccoli, sprouts and other vegetables. Osteocalcin is a protein which is secreted by Vitamin K and which helps in stimulating bone growth.

  3. Sleep

    Proper sleep will help in increasing your height. Do not feel surprised hearing this statement. The growth hormone which is responsible for increasing your height is spread evenly throughout the body when you are asleep and the body is in resting position. Therefore it is important to sleep peacefully and give rest to the body.

  4. Stop Smoking

    Smoking leads to growth retardation as nicotine affects sleep patterns and also diminishes your appetite. As a result the food is consumed in little quantities and that leads to improper nutrition. Smoking also breaks the proportion of growth hormone produced in the body. Therefore quit smoking if you want to increase your height.

  5. Health Supplements

    There are many health products available online which are safe and natural. You can order them from net without any difficulty. They will supplement your diet and give you all the proper nutrients which are required for the body. This will helps the body to stimulate the cells and trigger the growth of bones. Choose the supplements wisely and it will reward you 1 or 2 inches increase in your height.

These are the top five methods with which you can increase your height naturally. Hundreds of people have attainted results using this method. Focus your target and work hard to reach there using the resources available in your surroundings.

The Importance of Curing Tinnitus and the How They Are to be Considered

Tinnitus is major problem among all the types of disorders concerned with the ear. The inner part of the ear is very sensitive and is mainly responsible for the sense of hearing. The inner ear moves according to the sound waves and this brings an impulse to the brain. The response from the brain is heard back as what is known to be the sound.

Curing Tinnitus

One of the prominent causes of tinnitus is the increase of delicate hair that is present in the inner ear which will slowly lose the strength to stay still. When the energy is lost they will no longer have the stamina to produce any kind of impulse. Thus no more impulse can be produced and no proper sound can be produced. In this condition, the inner ringing sound that is produced by the ear will become dominant. Hence for a person suffering from tinnitus of a particular kind which seems more like ringing, keeps annoying the whole time. The person would think that he is not able to hear external sound. But the fact is that the external sound is made louder due to the presence of the disability in hearing.

Tinnitus is rather a symptom than a disorder. It is a symptom for many disorders such as formation of tumor in the head or in the neck region. It can sometimes also result due to hypertension or improper functioning of the capillaries. The most frequent cause is due to exposure to heavy noise that is intolerable by the ear. To prevent the occurrence of tinnitus, noise is the first factor that has to be kept far away. There are many types of medications that are available to treat tinnitus. Sometimes certain tinnitus can be cause even as a side effect due to the improper functioning of a drug or the over dosage. Medicines taken for tumor and treating malaria can be the best example for causing side effects while over dosage of aspirin causes tinnitus.

Among the major causes of tinnitus noise is the first thing that should be avoided. Tinnitus can also be caused as a symptom of many diseases. You can find different kinds of people, one who do not care about this problem even if figured earlier and leave it untreated for it to heal itself. On the other hand there are another set of people who just start with a treatment and do not continue the same when they get an immediate relief from the ringing sound. Both these group of people are on the wrong path as they need to take up the problem seriously and continue the medication for a while according to what the doctor has to say.

Major Causes of Tinnitus and the Cures Available

Millions of people around the world suffer from tinnitus. The condition is characterized by symptoms such as pain in the ears and an irritating constant ringing sound in the ear. Although there is no one specific cure for the condition, it can still be treated. Constant exposure to loud noise such as in the case of construction and factory workers is some of the known causes of tinnitus.

Major causes of tinnitus

Prolonged illness or certain types of medication can also some times cause the condition. Although there are several causes of tinnitus, there is no one specific cause, which can be pin pointed as to the main culprit. These days though, there are many treatment methods available to get rid of the annoying ringing noise from the ears.

People are known to prefer natural remedies for curing the condition over prescription medicine. This is because of the safe nature of these home remedies, which do not cause any negative side effects, something that cannot be always say with confidence, if one were to use prescription drugs for an extended period of time.

One of the best natural remedies for tinnitus includes wild oats. They are known to repair damaged nervous tissue and also help in healing infections. Ginko Biloba is another herb that has been found effective in treating the condition. This particular herb is known to improve neurotransmitter as well as brain activities.

You will also need to make certain changes in your lifestyle, if you want to get rid of the irritating ringing noise in your ears. For instance you should avoid food items such as caffeine and alcohol. You should take a diet that is rich in Vitamin C content. You should also follow a regular sleep routine, which gives your body adequate rest. Exercising and drinking plenty of water, are some other lifestyle changes that you need to incorporate in order to get rid of the condition. Although the causes of tinnitus are varied, the key to getting cured lies in diligently following these steps.

Whatever may be the causes for tinnitus, these days there are many treatment options available to treat the condition. Through a combination of certain lifestyle changes and medication, it is possible to get rid of the annoying ringing noise from the ears. This has to be considered seriously and taken proper care and must not be left untreated. There are people who do not care about this condition and just wait for it to reside itself which would do more harm.

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